Managed to cross out another item on my wish list. I passed all my subjects in my mid-term test! =D Feels quite contented and happy. Though I barely passed my Marketing and Sociology. =.='' That's the consequences for not studying! Do not repeat my mistakes people! Guess I should be thankful that there are 2 writing subjects this semester though. They're kinda similar to English in a way, so that means a lazy bum like me can afford to slack for the 2 subjects. Heh...
I'm supposed to be doing my assignments right now, but feels kinda lazy and started blogging instead. -.-'' So much for not procrastinating huh? Just finished my Management, gonna start on my Writing for Mass Communication now. And then there's the dreaded Web Page Design. I can't design a web page! T.T Anyone care to give me a hand? Sobs...
On a lighter note, I finished my Harry Potter book several days ago. When I first got to know Harry Potter, he was still an innocent eleven-year-old boy who didn't have a clue of what awaits him in the magical world. Then as he grew older every year, I too, grew with him. It's hard to believe that seven years have gone by ever since I saw the first movie and subsequently got hooked on the series. When I first got the last book, I wanted to finish it as fast as I could. But as the end approaches, I wished that it would go on forever instead. I never knew that reading a book can be such an emotional roller coaster. Okay, maybe I exaggerated a lil on the emotional roller coaster thing, but was with a heavy heart when I finally flipped the final page of the book. That's it, finished, the magic is gone, forever. Sigh!!! Still, I think that Harry Potter would live on in the hearts of the many potter-heads out there, including yours truly.
Farewell, Harry Potter.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Posted by
11:51 PM
3 cherries
Labels: Thoughts
Sunday, July 29, 2007
I can't think of a title
It's a rare sight to see me waking up before noon on weekends. And when I do, it usually means:
1. I'm forced to
2. I'm forced to
3. I'm forced to
Well, today is one of those days. I had to get up and get ready by 9am for my first driving lesson. Sleep deprived and food deprived, it's a wonder how I managed to survive the two hours lesson. When i got in the car, the instructor started making small talks (probably trying to ease my nervousness -.-) and he mentioned loads of his previous students' names hoping that I would somehow know one of them (though why, I have no idea)...Sadly for him, I kept shaking my head all the way to our destination. -_-"
The worst part was after he finished explaining how to use the clutch and break and etc, he left me in the car to 'practise' using the gear and stuff...with the engines OFF! I sat in the car and sms-ed my friend for the entire 30mins that he went off for his breakfast. Not to say I did nothing at all! I actually did practise switching the gears and stuff for a while before my leg started protesting. =p Then I drove home.
With the instructor in the car of course...what were you thinking? -.-'' Hehe...although he never let me drove above 60km/hr, it was still quite fun as the engines didn't even stalled once! =D Not bad eh for a first timer? Heh...
Went shopping at Subang Parade. As usual, I had to buy something. I ain't called a shopaholic for nothing you know. Actually, I'm not a hard core shopaholic like some people, I just like shopping alot, that's all. =p I wanted to get a new pair of heels as well, since it's the mega sale now. Guess what, the ones I liked all seems to run out of my size. Ended up buying none while my mom, who didn't plan on buying one, got herself a new pair of heels. Darn shoe stores... T_T Oh well, at least I got myself a new mascara.
Posted by
9:40 PM
8 cherries
Labels: Moments
Saturday, July 28, 2007
I need a break!!
Short note:
Here's something for you to try. It's one of the strangest things I have ever encountered.
Left brain, right brain trick.
While sitting at your desk, lift your right foot off the floor and make clockwise circles.
Now, while doing this, draw the number "6" in the air with your right hand.
Your foot will change direction and there's nothing you can do about it!!
I need a break. A vacation. To get away from my life for a little while. Things has been so busy I can hardly even breathe... Assignments deadlines are fast approaching, tons of tutorial works to do, notes to read, tests to be taken... I feel suffocated. Yet, I can't seem to stop myself from procrastinating.
Got back almost all my mid-term test results except for Sociology (which I'll probably flunk...oh whatever...) and Writing for Mass Comm. True enough, my prediction about my Marketing result came true. I ALMOST flunk the stupid subject. Urgh...see? The consequences of procrastination. I knew perfectly well that I shouldn't be wasting time and doing nonsense but somehow the idea of studying just doesn't appeal to me. I only can do well in subjects that I do not need to study for, subjects which requires more common knowledge than technical and theoretical knowledge. In other words, I'm just plain lazy to study. Is there a cure for laziness? Because if there is, I'd very much like to know about it.
But I digress. I seriously think I need a break. Life hasn't exactly been a bed of roses recently. Not that it has ever been a bed of roses anyway. I want to get away from it all. Cut myself some slack. I've been slaving over my 'group' assignments till I almost forgot they were supposed to be 'group' assignments. And I haven't been myself lately. I'm operating on only a few hours of sleep every single night...and everyone knows if I do not get my 8 hours every night I'll be like a zombie. My fuse also tends to blow more easily. I get easily irritated when people say stupid lame things, I get irritated when people do not use their brain when they do or say something. I just do not feel like putting on a mask and pretending to be patient and kind or whatever when they pisses me off. For goodness sake, use the fking BRAIN!
Then there's the driving school stuff. Turns out the idiot didn't lose my photo afterall. I went and spent another RM12 to take my license photo and when I went to the office to pass it to him, I asked him to double check the computer. Woe and behold! My pretty face is staring back at me from the computer screen. WTF. Wasted my money and he didn't even bother to refund me the RM10 I gave him. Now I have a bunch of fugly license photo sitting on my table. Great. Just great. friend called last night and told me they're planning a trip to Redang island next next week. I missed Redang so so much! Haven't been there for so long and I'm dying to go again. And I've missed my friends too. Problem is, it's kinda last minute since I have to confirm almost immediately last night and they're going on weekdays, which means I'll have to skip 3 days of classes. Doubt my parents will be very happy about that. So, sigh, probably won't be going. =(
Oh by the way, I need a new phone. My current one's like crap. Preferably Sony Ericsson. So, any kind souls out there would like to recommend me a nice one? Budget's only aroung 1k though...dead broke. Sigh...
Posted by
12:57 PM
4 cherries
Labels: blah blah blah
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
I think I'm getting more and more superficial. Today I went to my old blog out of pure boredom. I looked through my old posts and suddenly it hits me in the face. My old posts used to be more personal and much simpler. There wasn't any pictures, just mainly about my feelings and thoughts. Hence the blog name. 'My world in words'.
When I shifted back to blogspot, I retained the name as I thought it suited my blog quite well. But then, when I reread my recent posts again, I felt that somehow they were much less about what I'm really feeling inside. I'm actually ready to admit that some of the posts were even quite pointless as they're mainly just picture posts without much meaning. I originally set up a blog to chronicle my life's journey and experiences. Now it seems like my original intention were lost in the midst of everything.
I do not like the way things are going and I really hope to change the way I am before this blog turns into a complete bimbo blog like the ones I used to laugh at. Let's just hope I can remain true to myself.
Posted by
5:19 PM
2 cherries
Labels: about me
Sunday, July 22, 2007
Note: I didn't sleep at all on the 21st of July. Wonder if it's some new record for me. >.<"
For people who know me. They should know I love Harry Potter to death. I have every single frigging book and I've watched every Harry Potter movie at least twice. Thrice. Or maybe more. For people who don't know me, well, now you do. So 21st of July was kinda like a big deal to me. It was THE day the final book of the Harry Potter series is coming out in stores. The final piece to the puzzle that started 10years ago on a train.
Truth is, I've been a bookworm ever since I was a kid. Ask my grandma about the times she stood in Popular to stand guard over me as I squat on the floor reading books for hours on end. Once, she got fed up of standing in a bookstore as her granddaughter reads. So she ended up buying 10books at one go just so that she wouldn't have to endure the dreadful experience anymore. Boy, was she wrong. After a few more weeks, it's back to the bookstore for the both of us. =D
But I digress. Harry Potter & the Deathly Hallows was on top my wishlist and a newly acquired friend (by newly I mean about 1month+) generously offered to try and get me the autographed book which were given out free of charge to the first three people who went to Kinokuniya on the 21st of January. So the slightly crazy fella really went off to KLCC and stayed there overnight to get the book for lil ol' me. And to think that he doesn't even read any of the Harry Potter books and has only watched the first Harry Potter way back in 2001. >.> (I guess he probably was the only fella there who has not a clue what the whole Harry Potter mania was about) I wonder if he lives in a cave these past few years or what. He says the titles are too long and confusing and he got the books and movies mixed up so he stopped watching them. =.=" Major sweat. Okay lah...since he got me the book, shall not say mean things about him anymore lah...Thanks alottttt for this (very) early Christmas prezzie ya! And thanks for completing my entire collection. =) Oh, he told me one of the interesting conversations he overheard at the KLCC park entrance where they were waiting for the guards to open the gate and let them (rush) in. It goes something like this:
Nerd (to companion): If I've magic, I would make myself invisible & so that the guards don't see me so I can line up first.
Phen (this sounds waaaay more logical): What the hell? If I can be invisible, steal the book and go home la. Still line up for what?!
Classic. That should justify my (intense) dislike for nerds.
So to the *cough*mighty*cough*Phen, thanks a lot and even though you didn't manage to get into the top 13 to qualify for the free books, still you forked out money to get it for me. Then you practically delivered it to my doorstep in the middle of the night just so I could read it asap. *Cherrie feels bad now*
Still, I was ecstatic to have the book. Thus, some camwhoring is definitely in order. Please please ignore the panda eyes. I do not have Photoshop and I would be too lazy to do edit every one of my pictures anyway. So yea, ignore em. Thank you very muchies.
Me found this. Outside my house. 11pm. Lols...
I got it! Finally! Mine! Muacks! <3
Me love Harry Potter. Too bad it's the last book. =(
Oooh...look at the quill. The book comes with a quill! I can write like Harry! (No wonder his words were fugly in the movie, you try writing with a feather and see!)
Oh look! Comes with a Christmas card as well. (Fine!>>) Ah Phen is only July lar... =.= Bo calender?
Heh book of my collection!
I love me Harry Potter book! Gonna read it tonight. I already look like a panda anyway. Bah...
Thanks again!
Posted by
12:11 AM
0 cherries
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Harry Potter & MSN
Today, is D day the final Harry Potter book came out. My friend promised to get it for me. Thanks for queuing up all night at KLCC for the book! Appreciate it loads~! =) ( Although you didn't manage to get the free ones, still, it's the thought that counts!) But one of the cons is that I can't get my hands on the book immediately. Thus, I had to endure this.
Then he does this.
Darn you Luke. Darn you! If you see someone like this beside your bed tonight, you should know who it is.
Feel the wrath of Sadako!!
And then...someone else does this.
POTENTIAL HARRY POTTER 7 SPOILERS AHEAD!!! Stop scrolling down unless you read the book already.
No, I'm not putting the website here. If you wanna know. Ask me.
Owh...someone complained I didn't mention my onions here. If you don't already know, I have a secret fetish about onions. No, not THOSE onions. They're these cute lil thing that are amazingly misunderstood. I swear, I've seen people calling them earless cats to white chicken! Gosh's a frigging onion! =.= Sheesh. Anyway, a tribute to someone nice who got me THE book I wanted for so long and finally my collection is completed. But more on that later. Now, a favourite onion of mine that he claims to hate. I seriously doubt anyone can hate something this cute though.
You tell me cute how to hate?
But I tell you hor...the funniest was this.
I swear people on msn are getting weirder and weirder everyday. >.>
Edit: I got the book!! It's 11pm! Shall post more about that the next time I update. =)
Posted by
2:12 PM
10 cherries
Labels: Random
Friday, July 20, 2007
I just woke up. At 11pm. No thanks to a certain someone who woke me up to go yam cha >.> I think I haven't slept like this in a long time.Went to take my nap at around 2pm...ended up... -.-''
Nevermind! I have a mission tonight anyway. I have to teman a nicie since he very nice promise to get me a certain book that I wanted =D Thanks nicie!!
Had a really long night the day before. I actually stayed up until 4am doing the freaking mass comm assignment. Swt...And I CAN'T STAND the fella anymore! I swear, in my 11 years of education I've NEVER EVER saw a lecturer who ask the student to stop the presentation half way just because HE said there wasn't enough time. And it was already the last slide. Ridiculous I tell you. And while he "listen" to our presentation, he sat in his seat like some spineless person who couldn't care less about what the presenters are speaking. This guy is utter nonsense. Grr... Did I tell you I can't stand lecturers who uses Manglish when they teach? Well, now you know.
Posted by
11:29 PM
8 cherries
Labels: blah blah blah
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
Thanks to Poh Nee, I get to watch this for free. In fact, I watched it for free and before it was even officially released! =D
The movie was nice. Of course it was. It's free la, come on people. Haha... XD I've never been to Cineleisure's cinema before even though I stay just a mere few kilometers away >.> Not that I don't wanna go, it's just that everytime I want to go there for a movie, they're always fully booked! to go? You tell me la...
Overall the movie was quite exciting (I'm easy to please hehe...the only time I scoffed at a movie in the cinema was when I watched a Korean horror flick called Teh Wig, it was the lamest,UNscariest scary movie ever. Heck, even the scary movie is scarier than their wig. Ish...), I was covering my mouth almost the entire time I think. -.-'' At least I didn't cover my eyes okay?! I never do that. =D Oops! I won't spoil it! Watch it yourself, bah!
Oh! I almost forgot a vital part of my evening! I saw a certain so hot can die person while I was passing by the Curve on my way to Cineleisure. Ashraf Sinclair! With an unidentified friend whose face I didn't see. Aww...come on,
he was standing beside Ashraf Sinclair, you can't blame me for not seeing/recognising him. hot can die man!!! @.@ So, happy bubbly me went off to Cineleisure for my movie. When we came out from the cinema at around 11+ and on my way to the parking lot, guess who I saw again? =D Mr.Ashraf is still in the Curve! *swoons* How I wish I could stay at Laundry the whole night. Darn curfew! T.T
Posted by
11:59 PM
4 cherries
Monday, July 16, 2007
Weird weird day
Hmm...has anyone ever heard of the driving school losing your license photo and you had to go take another one yourself to replace the lost one? Well, now you do. MY FREAKING DRIVING INSTRUCTOR LOST MY LICENSE PHOTO!! Here's what happened. I posted about taking my license photo awhile back. So one fine weekend morning while I was still in slumberland, the driving instructor decided to disrupt my peace by waking me up. Then he delivered the bad news, "Eh the photo ar...your license wan's lost..."
So now I'm supposed to go take another one and pass it to him asap to make my L license. and my luck. Fantastic.
On a lighter note, I had classes from 8am till 6pm today. Okay that's not very happy. What I meant to say was, I had some fun slacking and talking in class today. And eating. He he...
Writing for Business lecture. Not my fault the pic is blur, blame Brian's shaky hands. =p
Please ignore the panda eyes. >.<" 8am class remember? Hmm...seems like I never pay attention in this subject huh? I just noticed the last post where I took pics of my friends slacking were also in Writing for Business. >.>
After class, my mom, bro and me went to the SS2 pasar malam (night market) and I bumped into a few of my uni friends there as well! =D I completely forgot they were going to pasar malam as well until I saw them there. Well, technically they saw me first. Haha... Anyway, bought tons of things to eat as I was starving though there's dinner at home. >.<" I was hungry okay?! My last meal was around 11am in the morning. T.T (eh hem, ice-cream is not counted =p) So now, I'm stuffed. And my dinner is sitting in front of me, untouched.'s been awhile since I last went to the pasar malam. I couldn't stop myself from buying things as there are so many things there! I bought all foodstuff though. =p Oh another thing! I'm watching Vacancy tomorrow with my friends in Cineleisure. Hope it's a nice movie. =D Shall say more about that after I watch it. Best of all, the tickets are free! Thanks PQ Poh Nee !
Score for today :
Cherrie - 3
Meanie obsessed with football - 1
Hmm...shall get started on the meme soon >.>
Was feeling bored the other day hehe...Okay fine, I just wanted to neutralise the 1st two ugly pics. >.>
Posted by
8:56 PM
13 cherries
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Bored on a Sunday afternoon
54%How Addicted to Blogging Are YoWah...54% @.@ that a lot?
31% Geek
$5400.00The Cadaver Calculator - Find out how much your body is worth. From Mingle2 - Free Online DatingIs that a lot? Or little? o.o Who wants it when I'm dead? =D
I said I was bored, didn't I? >.>, who wants to go shopping? :D
Haiz...I just realised something scary. I binge when I'm bored! As in binging and binging and binging on unhealthy stuffs nonstop! =((( NOOOOO!! Now you know why I don't like to be bored. I'm gonna look like a pig if I keep doing this. I need to get out of the house and have some fun!!! I repeat, who wants to go shopping? =(
Posted by
1:31 PM
4 cherries
Labels: Random
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Shop til I drop
My back is killing me. Literally. I can't really feel my feet either. And I just got back from a shopping spree. It's the once in a year J Card Day at One Utama today. So naturally, I have to go! Wouldn't be able to forgive myself if I didn't. Screw the Writing for Mass Comm test and my Web Page Design practical test tomorrow, shopping is life!
Thank goodness my mom had to foresight to have our lunch at home first before going to One Utama...If not, I think I would already have starved to death...We really just shop and shop and shop some more! Went there at around 5pm and reached home at almost 11pm. o.o" Terror. We only had our 'dinner' at around 11pm. By then, EVERYTHING looks good enough to eat to me.
So all in all, me and my mom spent about RM1100 shopping in Jusco today. Excluding food of course. Hey! I said me and my MOM spent around RM1k...not ME ALONE OKAY?? Ish ish... Plus, they have those totally absolutely crazy offers today. You'll probably beat yourself up afterwards if you pass up the offers. Come on, who wouldn't be tempted by those big red 70% SALES sign? Right? Right? Right. =D
I'm feeling very tired and my eyes are killing me now. So I shall post my damages tomorrow. As for now, I have to take a nice long shower and my bed is already beckoning towards me~ I'm coming, I'm coming~
Edit: Okay, here come the pics!
Applemints top
Seed top
Applemints pants (my mom and I actually bought the same pants!! I only realised it after checking the bags when I got home -.-'')
VJ jeans
B.U.M. purse to replace my old and worn one! =D
Gosh the swimsuits are SO cheap...I get to actually buy 2 for the price of 1. SO SO CHEAP!! =D
eh hem...actually, they ALL are cheap! =D =D =D
These are the things that are you see, quite few only ler...the rest are bedsheets, comforters and whatnot. Totally not my fault for spending 1k plus on shopping. =p (Though I still take some of the blame...hehe)
But sigh...I lost some stuffs I wanted to buy. I actually have a few more things that I took...but it was no where to be seen when I got home!! After checking the receipts then I realised I didn't pay for them also, means I must have dropped them somewhere before I made it to the cashier. =( SIGH!!
Posted by
11:42 PM
7 cherries
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
Today...was the day I've been waiting for...for a long time. Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix is OUT in Malaysian Cinema! Went to watch it after class today with my family. After reading the book for so long and waiting for the movie to come out since last year, I have to confess I was quite disappointed with it. =( Don't worry peeps, no spoilers here. Wouldn't wanna spoil it for you guys now would I? But yeah...the storyline was fine but there were some details which were different from the book. Though only those who read the book might complain I guess. My dad complained that it was boring. -.-'' Oh well, what do you expect?? You didn't even watch the previous ones properly before! And so, that's pretty much it. I can't really say much about the movie without giving away the plot and storyline and risk spoiling it for everyone who reads this blog. A word of caution for those who read the book beforehand and expects the movie to be exactly like what J.K. Rowling wrote, IT IS NOT! Oh well, the bigger the expectation, the harder the fall I guess. Guess now I'll just wait for the 7th and final book to come out in exactly 10days time!
THE movie
THE book
Haha...anyway, tomorrow is J Card Day at One Utama. Which can only mean one thing for me. SALES!!! =D I'm so going there after my classes tomorrow. I have tons of things I wanna buy. Utar's schedule is really killing me. T.T I'm in the midst of having my mid-terms and I just sat for my Marketing test today. Hell doesn't even begin to describe the paper. Or it might just be my fault of studying last minute as usual. Hmm...* ponders* =p
Ah...and since I haven't been updating for quite awhile (sorry lah, was abit lazy and abit caught up with studying...actually just lazy I think >.>), I guess I should tell you guys that I drove for the first time in my life on Sunday! A real car! Haha...I should probably start at the beginning. =p So on last Sunday, I went for the 6 hours practical class where we were supposed to learn about the various parts of the car, engine and how to do basic maintenance for our own car (read: total and utter boredom and a waste of time). Then after 3 hours of sitting in a classroom stoning, we were separated into groups of three and each group is suppose to get some hands-on experience about learning to recognise the various engine parts of the carl.
Thus, 3 idiots including me were seen crowding around the opened hood of a Kancil on a blazing hot Sunday afternoon trying to identify the engine parts. If that wasn't bad enough, our instructor actually asked us to observe the engine and went off to slack somewhere for almost 10minutes! I felt like a total retard standing in front of the engine pretending I'm interested in actually learning about car engines under a hot sun. I said, a total and complete waste of time. MY time. And just about everyone else's for that matter.
Then we were given another half an hour of break which I spent rotting. Then comes the 'highlight' of my entire day. We were each given a chance to drive the Kancil around the driving school. Nothing much, just a couple of rounds around the driving centre. But since it's my first time ever handling a real car, it was pretty good fun for me. =D At least nobody died when I was driving okay?? To think that 3 people actually placed their lives in my hands that fateful afternoon...Hahaha...hopefully I'll get my L soon and start some proper driving lessons. Car! Wait for meeeeeeee~
Oh p/s again:
Mid-term marks so far :-
1. Management 41/50
2. Web Page Design 74/100
Satisfactory so far I'd say. But I might have spoken a tad too soon. Just wait till my Marketing marks come out and I'll probably be forced to eat my own words. >.>"
Posted by
10:01 PM
0 cherries
Labels: Events
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Withdrawal Symptoms
I'm still sick. Fever's gone, but still feeling like I'm in hell. One of my friend asked me why did I blogged in Mandarin, "I can't understand Mandarin, so how am I supposed to know what happen to you?" Sorry...I usually blog in Mandarin when I'm feeling a tad emo. =p
So anyway, missed another day of class today. Just wasn't up to waking up at 6+ in the morning to get to class. Plus! I have the mother of all's still hurting now! From the time I woke till now... -__-" That's what you get for spending too much time lying in bed. (I was sick since Saturday, so you do the Maths...)
Had a lousy dinner again, as usual. Spend my entire day rotting/gaming/blog reading/chatting/smsing while tomorrow is my Writing for Business mid-term exam. Yea...smarty-skirt aint I? Lols...Now I'm having serious PWS. Serious sh!t...Pasta withdrawal symptoms. Noooo... T_T
Drooling yet? I know you are~
Posted by
9:43 PM
3 cherries
Labels: blah blah blah
Monday, July 02, 2007
噢,我也是昨天才发现原来星期天是没医生开门的!唔...想起来这应该算是我病得最严重的一次了吧...这句话从我口中说出来就不可轻视了哦...我可是医生的常客噢...哈哈哈!刚刚才去看了医生,烧已经退了,看来明天应该可以去上课了吧。 唉...偏偏要等到考试即将来临的时候我才来病,好不争气噢...
Posted by
4:43 PM
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